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How Volunteering Works

From finding a project to going home, we have made a 7 step guide for everything you will do with Concordia's International Volunteering.

volunteers creating clay

All volunteers applying for an international volunteering programme need to be based in the UK or have a home address in the UK. Concordia cannot facilitate applications from volunteers outside the UK, please ensure you have checked you are eligible before applying.

Step 1: Choose a volunteer project

You can enquire with our expert team and we'll match you with the best projects across the all around the world, based on budget, cause, destination, and length. 

volunteer sanding

Step 2: Fill out application form

Through the project finder tool, fill out the application form. Concordia and our partner charities will be able to check your eligibility for the project/s you have applied to.

10ème-jour-équipe Volunteer Project

Step 3: Pay your project fee

During your application, you will be asked to pay a £250 fee, that Concordia uses to review your application, and organise your volunteering project with our partner charities.


This will be refunded if your application is unsuccessful.

volunteers restoring ancient roads

Step 4: Receive expert guidance

Once your application is successful, you will get access to our training programme and have one of our Volunteer members to prepare you for an amazing experience. They will be able to answer any question you have and ensure you complete the pre-departure questionnaire.

volunteers hudled together

Step 5: Prepare for your travel

We've done the heavy lifting, and there's a few things you need to organise yourself, such as visas, flights, and travel insurance. Our team can help with guidance on this or answer any questions you have.

Volunteer group volunteering photo

Step 6: Make a change abroad

Training? Completed. Flights? Booked. Payments? Made. Looks like your ready to go!


Once you've made it to the designated meeting point in your preparation pack, the local charity will be your main point of contact on your project, but you will still have access to our Volunteering team via phone or email if needed.

Volunteers building a clay oven

Step 7: Return home

Volunteering isn't a one off project, it's a life experience.


We get great feedback from volunteers for the enjoyment and ease of their time abroad. Spreading the word about the work you've done is how we help others find out about this amazing opportunity. Feel free to share your story with us or tag us on Instagram, '@concordiacharity'.

Seat Turtle Conservation Project

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